Dawnette K. Guerrero Court Victim exposes City of San Antonio, Mayor Ron Nirenberg, San Antonio Police Department, Chief William McManus, Detective Gina Mendez, G. Morales, Detective George Silva, Sgt. R. Cardenas, FNU Serrano, FNU Smarro, Numerous Other San Antonio Police Officers and Bexar County, Texas by and through its Agent the Bexar County District Attorney’s Office Joe Gonzales Guerrero v. City of San Antonio et al Read More

Author – John E. Foddrill Sr. – Former Telecommunications Manager – City of San Antonio TX / Whistleblower and members of CAPCWFA – Citizens Against Public Corruption Waste Fraud and Abuse San Antonio TX City Attorney Michael Bernard ( brother of Obama White House Social Secretary Jeremy Bernard), San Antonio Mayor / HUD Secretary Julian Castro , Joaquin Castro D – Texas and other corrupt persons conspired to conceal a RICO- like criminal conspiracy extending from San Antonio TX to the White House hiding ONGOING efforts to cover up the theft / misappropriation of tens of millions of dollars , Judicial Fraud hiding the criminal activity, HUD fraud, state/federal grant fraud, “cooked” books, official oppression, Constitutional / Free Speech abuses ,municipal bond fraud ,aggregated perjury , a decade of critical 911 failures when maintenance funding was denied and other crimes. The RICO-like criminal conspiracy continues. Instead of following the law, addressing the criminal activity and exposing the three decades of fraud / theft officials ( led by City Attorney Michael Bernard – brother of White House Social Secretary Jeremy Bernard ) , law enforcement, judges, attorneys, etc. conspired to conceal the RICO-like criminal conspiracy. Attorney Bernard, SAPD Chief William McManus and others used the power of their offices to retaliate against law-abiding whistleblowers , illegally ban them from City Hall / public meetings and defame them in an effort to discredit their reports of criminal activity inside local government and law enforcement. Corrupt City of San Antonio, Texas officials / employees have since 1982 secretly , illegally dumped invoices, bills, fake statements, altered documents, etc. into an internal telephone billing account – the “telephone variable” and used the City’s Avaya Telephone Contract to fraudulently bill individual city departments, state/federal agencies… Read More