Corrupt Chief Technology Officer Hugh Miller

CASTROGATE.COM CORRUPT CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER HUGH MILLER Former City of San Antonio Chief Technology Officer and current AirWatch Vice President ( a VMware company and part of Dell Technologies family of businesses) Now that the umbrella of “protection” by corrupt officials and law enforcement evaporated once President Trump took office many unscrupulous officials, judges, attorneys, cops, etc. will be investigated and prosecuted . AirWatch VP ( former City of San Antonio CTO) Hugh Miller is once such dishonest, unethical, corrupt person. San Antonio Texas Chief Technology Officer Hugh Miller has played a central, pivotal role in the ongoing RICO-like criminal conspiracy to conceal decades of public / police corruption involving tens of millions of public dollars. Miller joined in efforts to conceal the theft / fraud when it was reported in 2005 , retaliated against whistle-blowers in 2006, helped coach city witnesses to present false testimony / to defame the Bexar County 57th District Court in 2009 , continued to conceal “cooked” books during HUD investigation – HL-10-0465 , participated in almost four years of illegal city meetings , stood by when the Federal Court was defamed in 2013 to hide the cover-up, remained silent when Bexar County District Attorney LaHood helped conceal the conspiracy and Texas Open Meeting Act violations in 2015 / 2016 and helped publish “cooked” books designed to defraud financial institutions / underwriters and municipal bond investors ( SEC- FWRO 302036). Miller recently accepted the position as Vice President with Airwatch, Inc. – a San Antonio start-up acquired by VMware – a member of the Dell Technologies family of businesses. Corrupt City of San Antonio, Texas officials / employees have since 1982 secretly , illegally dumped invoices, bills, fake statements , altered documents, etc. into an… Read More