URGENT: Senator Grassley reporting murder, looting, racketeering and blackmail by judges

Letter-to-Charles-Grassley-reporting-murder-looting-and-racketeering-by-judges-and-Affidavits.pdf Letter-to-Senator-Grassley-Reporting-Crimes-and-irrefutable-proof.pdf Affidavits-of-Victims-of-Crimes-by-Judicial-Government-Employees.pdf Dear Aaron, Jim and Sherry: The undersigned has filed the attached letter with Senator Grassley of complaints against a federal judge Joan Lenard, a magistrate Jonathan Goodman and a bankruptcy magistrate Laurel Isicoff irrefutably reporting criminal activities of these government employees using the United States courts in a racket to steal my home and property and blackmail me to threaten my silence from reporting their crimes. Their embezzlement racket (the “Intertwined Embezzlement Racket”) is the result of and inextricably intertwined with another racket – the guardian racket where competent senior adults with financial assets are seized from their families and falsely and illegally “proclaimed” incapacitated in order to loot their assets. They are then murdered by lethal doses of illegal psychotropic drugs in order that these crimes can be committed in secret (the “Murder for Profit U.S. Sponsored Guardian Racket”). My mother was murdered by Michael A. Genden, a color of law judge and his RICO accomplices in this racket and her home and life savings were pillaged. THESE ARE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND FALL WITHIN THE DEFINITION OF WAR CRIMES. Senator Grassley knows all about these crimes against humanity . They are virally reported in the media and regularly reported by government agencies including a report by the Government Accountability Office and in a report by Senator Richard Blumenthal in a Congressional hearing who acknowledges these judges are “running a thiefdom” and “making a ton of money:” All of this information has been provided to Senator Grassley in the attached documents. Anyone who exposes the guardian racket is terrorized, blackmailed to silence them and their assets are stolen in fabricated lawsuits in color of law court of their crony brethren. Attached are affidavits of victims of… Read More