Patrick Leahy signals he’ll run for ninth Senate term

This man needs to be Court marshaled- removed from office and sentenced to life in prison not life in office for his use of office to pillage the American public by his sordid bill deals that line his own pockets Patrick Leahy signals he’ll run for ninth Senate term If he ran again, Leahy would be in line to pass the late Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) as the longest-serving senator of all time. Senate Appropriations Chair Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) speaks during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing to examine the American Jobs Plan, focusing on infrastructure, climate change, and investing in our nations future on April 20, 2021 in Washington, DC. The Senate’s longest-serving Democrat, long assumed to be on the cusp of retirement, is leaning toward giving it another go. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), who has served since 1975 and is in the line of presidential succession, is asking colleagues to support his potential campaign for a ninth term, according to Democratic senators who have spoken to him. The 81-year-old has also indicated to them that he believes he’s “the only Democrat that can win the seat,” said a person briefed on the conversations. Given that Bernie Sanders is an independent who caucuses with Democrats, Leahy’s the only Democrat ever elected to the Senate from Vermont. If reelected, Leahy could take the record for Senate longevity in a chamber famous for its octogenarians. He’s not the oldest senator — four others are older than he is — but he experienced a health scare earlier this year that prompted anxiety among his Democratic colleagues. In an interview, Leahy said he hadn’t really thought about running again. He held a fundraiser this week for his reelection and raised more than $300,000… Read More