Families with LAS (Legal Abuse Syndrome)

Families with LAS (Legal Abuse Syndrome) About Families with LAS, or Legal Abuse Syndrome, are those who have experienced ongoing legal proceedings, particularly in the context of family court, that have left them feeling powerless, frustrated, and emotionally drained. LAS is a term coined by Dr. Karin Huffer to describe the debilitating psychological effects of being victimized by the legal system. Family court proceedings, which often involve issues such as divorce, child custody, and visitation rights, can be particularly stressful and traumatic for families. Families with LAS may feel like they have been unfairly targeted or discriminated against by the legal system, with judges, attorneys, and other court officials not understanding their situation or prioritizing their needs. They may feel like their voices are not being heard or that their concerns are being dismissed or trivialized. As a result, they may experience feelings of helplessness, anxiety, depression, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If you are a member of a family struggling with LAS caused by family court proceedings, it is important to know that you are not alone. Many families have experienced similar challenges and have found support and comfort in connecting with others who have gone through similar situations. Joining support groups or seeking counseling can be helpful in coping with the emotional toll of LAS. It is also important to seek legal advice and representation from professionals who are knowledgeable about LAS and its impact on families. A good attorney can help you navigate the legal system, advocate for your rights, and provide emotional support throughout the process. Remember, LAS is a real and debilitating condition, but with the right support and resources, you can overcome it and find a path forward. Reach out to others who… Read More



SUPPORT HERO MICK WALLACE Michael Wallace born 11/09/1955 an Irish politician and property developer who is a Member of the European Parliament MEP from Ireland since July 2019.5] Wallace gained his reputation for anti-establishment and left-wing populist views, becoming a frequent guest on political debate shows. He is a brave activist who speaks the truth, thus main stream media lies and spreads false propaganda to try and discredit the factual truth he shares. Read More